Friday, November 27, 2009

Chore Chart

There are so many chore charts out there, and it took awhile for me to figure out the right one for my family. This system was very simple to put together. Of course, this is my spin on it, I discovered the original version on a trip to my aunts house. She is wonderfully creative when it comes to organization... If you are in the Land of 10,000 lakes, her name is Jamie from Simply Organized by Jamie. Supplies for this chart can be purchased at ABC Toy Zone.

Laundry... of sorts!

Living in a townhouse with five people, a cat, a dog and a fish, I have to think out of the box sometimes. I took and organizer I am no longer using for extra clothes and put it to good use. Now, as I do laundry I put the girls' clothes and bedding in their designated drawers and they are to put it away (with the exception being Sophia for now!) I feel good knowing that they are taking some responsibility when it comes to all of the clothes in our house! Eventually I hope they will take over completely :)